ICT Services

Network Insights is based in Ireland, and specialises in providing independent consultancy services to its clients, focussing on Information Communications and Technology (ICT)

Principal Consultant

– Dónal Ó Séaghdha (BA BAI MSc)

Dónal has extensive experience working in the IT / Networking sector in Ireland over the last 30 years in a wide variety of roles and organisations. Specifically, Dónal has worked for :


10 years’ experience working in data communications, technical directorate and consultancy services divisions of:

  • Dept of Post & Telegraphs
  • Telecom Eireann
  • Eircom

5 years’ experience as a design / applications engineer, before spending 5 years as technical director (and as manager of pre-sales and consultancy engineering teams) of:

  • Motorola Information Systems Group
  • Topology Systems Ltd
  • LAKE Communications Systems
  • Cable & Wireless
  • Dónal has acted as principal consultant in Network Insights since it was formed in 2001, and in that role has working extensively and directly with end user client organisations to help them develop, implement and optimise their business network solutions. Dónal’s technical and business background (and his experience with working with vendors and carriers alike) means that Network Insights can provide its clients with a high level of support in project managing complex multi-vendor solutions.
  • Dónal is very proficient in engaging in highly technical projects, while the experience he has gained from working in a wide variety of roles (in different organisational cultures) coupled with his excellent communication skills, means that he is equally effective and comfortable in engaging with technical staff and senior business managers.
  • By drawing on experience gained in working on “both sides of the table”, Network Insights is able to offer its clients a unique perspective in tackling many problems and projects faced by companies who wish to gain a business benefit from their IT / Networking infrastructure.